Three Timbers Church's Podcast
Welcome to Three Timbers Church! We are so glad you found us online and encourage you to explore all there is to learn about our church located in beautiful Bennington, Nebraska. When you come to Three Timbers, you can come as you are to experience the love of Jesus through the people of God.
Whether young or old, single or married, new to church, or a lifelong attendee, there's a place for you here. We invite you to join us toward a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ. We’re not real big, we’re not real small, and we’re definitely NOT stuffy. Wear your favorite jeans. Be comfortable. Enjoy a good cup of coffee. Listen to inspiring music. Hear a message that gets you thinking and relates to everyday life.
Our goal is to share the passion, power, and presence of Jesus with others. We believe in supporting families through service, education, and loving one another as Jesus loves us, unconditionally. Our worship style is relational, relating to God through Christ centered worship and relating to each other through God honoring fellowship. We invite you to join us for worship so we can welcome you personally.
Three Timbers Church's Podcast
Embracing Grace: The Transformative Power of Knowledge and Mercy - Jeff Ryan - 3TC Podcast - 1/19/25
Pastor Jeff dives into the powerful themes of grace, knowledge, and God's mercy, illustrated through personal stories and biblical teachings. We reflect on "Amazing Grace," a hymn emphasizing redemption despite our imperfections. The discussion highlights the importance of true knowledge for effective action, using everyday challenges like car repairs and medical issues as metaphors for spiritual readiness. We explore the concept of recapturing reverence for God in 2025, emphasizing the need to know God and ourselves to experience His transformative power truly. Through biblical figures and personal reflections, we discuss the distinct roles of grace and mercy in overcoming guilt and misery from sin, concluding with Paul's teachings on the impact of divine grace in our lives. Join us for a journey into understanding and embracing the liberating power of God's grace and mercy.
Welcome to Three Timbers Church! We are so glad you found us online and encourage you to explore all there is to learn about our church located in beautiful Bennington, Nebraska. When you come to Three Timbers, you can come as you are to experience the love of Jesus through the people of God.
Whether young or old, single or married, new to church, or a lifelong attendee, there's a place for you here. We invite you to join us toward a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ. Our goal is to share the passion, power, and presence of Jesus with others. We believe in supporting families through service, education, and loving one another as Jesus loves us, unconditionally.
Welcome to the three timbers podcast. We hope this will encourage and uplift you today. I think there are some songs that just get you an amazing grace. Is one of those songs for me, I don't know if it is that way for you, because it's just a powerful reminder of grace and of God and and the reason that we need that grace is because of sin, because of our imperfections, because of our our flaws and our failures, and all the times we want to do this, but we end up doing that, and it's such a powerful thing grace. And so it's important that we slow down in our life, and we take inventory and go, you know, I didn't handle everything perfectly. I didn't think the right way all the time. I didn't act the way I showed up each time. And know that that's not where the story ends. Because of the amazing grace of God, we are forgiven, but we must confess, and so we take time now here together as the people of God, as the church, and we confess our sins. We confess privately what God already knows, and then we will read responsibly the joy of knowing that we are forgiven. So let us now bow our heads, close your eyes, and go to God silently, confessing our sin. We father, God, there is nothing that we can say that you don't already know father before we even have the words on our lips, you know And Lord, as hard as it is sometimes for us to forgive ourselves, Lord, we know that you forgive us when we confess our sins, sins of omission and sins of commission, and Father, we carry sometimes that guilt around like an albatross around our neck. But Lord, you say that come unto me those who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest so, Father, I pray that whatever sin we are carrying around and guilt of it, Lord that we would come to you because we are burdened by it, and Lord that we would Rejoice greatly in knowing that we are not perfect people, just forgiven people and father now, as we say these words together in our confession of sin, whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, But the one who confesses and renounces them, finds mercy Amen. There are certain songs, as we talked about, that everybody's aware of or knows, and you say Amazing Grace, whether you're a church person or not, you gotta understand what that song is about. And there are certain sayings that we have throughout our society that everybody kind of understands. One of those is knowledge is power, right? We We've all heard that phrase, and what that means is, the more knowledge you have on something, the more power you will have to do it well and to be successful at it. And so one of the things that we can take from that expression Knowledge is power. Is that knowledge precedes activity. You cannot act on something if you don't have knowledge on something. Let me give you a couple of examples. I want you to think that you're driving home today from church, and all of a sudden you start to hear a sound in your car, and then you pull up to the stop light. Now, of a sudden, your car starts to sputter and it won't start and you have to try to crank it two or three times. Then I want you to imagine that you get home and your and your car window comes down and it won't go back up, or it goes up and it goes down, and it goes up and it goes down. At this point, you know, okay, there's something going on. And so you go tomorrow, and you say, I'm going to take my car and I need to get it repaired. So you go down to a car shop, and you tell the guy, well, it's stalling out, and stop lights the window won't stop, going up and down and hearing all kinds of sounds. And he goes, You know what? I got just the guy. And they bring a guy around, and you say to him, hey, my car is stalling. The windows are going up and down, and it just, it's something's not right. And the guy goes, You know what that sounds? Really, really serious. You know what I am going to get right on it. Though, I don't own a car. I've never driven a car. I've never been in a car. I don't even know how to spell car. And then she's bought me the K and the second R. You say, Well, you don't seem to have a lot of knowledge about cars. And he says, Well, no, I don't think you want this guy working on your car. Imagine you don't wake up. You wake up trying. I don't feel I got I have a pain in my side. And so you go to the dock. Doctor, and you say, Doc, I'm having a pain in my side. And, and they do all kinds of tests and say, Okay, it's nothing serious, but you're going to need to have a procedure done so that you're not in pain. And I got just the person. And so you go and you see this person, and you say, I got this pain in my side, and, and I know the doctor told you what it was, and you're going to fix it. He's like, Oh, that's serious. I'm going to take action on this because I don't want you to be in pain. He says, No, I'm not a doctor. I have watched medical shows on TV all, all the time, so I feel as a great anatomy Bucha, I am ready to take action on your pain. You would say, wait a minute, if you do not have the knowledge to have the kind of power to operate. No, no, I don't want that. Now, let me give you even a personal, personal example of this. Every house Christy and I have lived in, every house we've had to paint part of it, whether it was a room or whether it was all in. Christy's a very good painter. So when we go to paint a room, she will, like, take everything out of the room. She will tape off all of the things that need to be taped off. She will put a drop cloth down. She will get the right kind of paint. She will get the tin, she will get the roller. She will get the stick for the roller. She's ready. Do you know how I paint? I grab a bucket, I grab a brush, and I just start going like this. See, I don't have any knowledge on how to paint. Therefore, I don't have any power to tell Christy what to do at all, because I don't have that. And when it comes to knowledge and power, I think there's an area of knowledge that we lack to experience the power of God, and it comes under this heading of reverence. You know, our theme for 2025 is recapturing reverence for God. And if we're going to recapture reverence for God, then there's certain knowledge we have to have so that we can experience the power of God in our life. And these are two things that we must have a greater knowledge of number one, we have to know who God is. Easier said than done. So we have to know who God is. Secondly, we have to know who we are, because if we don't know who we are and we don't know who God is, we can never truly have reverence for God, and if we don't have a reverence for God, we will never experience the power of God's transforming and redeeming love in our life. And so that's what we want to look at today. We're going to continue on in First Timothy, we did the first 11 verses last week. We're going to pick up in verse 12 this week. So I hope you brought your Bibles again. We talked last week having reverence for counties. You got your Bible with you. You got your Bible out. You're ready to go. And as you look that up, let's just pray and ask God's spirit to illuminate his word to us today, Father God, we thank You for Your word. It is a lay up unto our feet. You know that your word Lord is God breathe. It's useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training us in righteousness and Lord that only comes through your spirit and does not come through me and my sinful heart. Lord, I pray that your spirit would fall fresh upon all of us. You would speak through me and despite Lord, I pray that we would go deeper in understanding scripture and applying scripture, I pray Lord that you would help us focus in lock in, Lord on your word and Lord that it would just get a hold of our hearts. We ask this in the name of Jesus, amen. So we are in First Timothy, starting in verse 12. Here is the word of God. I thank Christ, Jesus, our Lord, who has given me strength that he consider me trustworthy, appointing me to his service, even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I will show mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ, Jesus, here's a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance. Christ, Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the worst, but for that very reason, I was shown mercy so that in me the worst of sinners, Christ, Jesus might display his immense patience as an example for those who would believe in Him and receive eternal life. Now to the king, eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God be honor and glory, forever and ever. Amen, we talked last week in the first 11 verses, where Paul was writing this letter to his son in the faith is his protege, Timothy, who he was pouring himself into. We talked about the Timothy and Paul Timothy Barnabas theory, where you should always have somebody that's a little bit more spiritually mature than you pouring into you, and you should be pouring yourself into somebody who. Maybe isn't where you are that Paul Timothy Barnabas theory and so, so Paul is just imploring Timothy beware of these false teachers, because false teaching and false teachers were leading the people of God away from worshiping God to just wandering, to just wandering in the midst, to wandering into genealogy, to wandering into all kinds of fanciful things that wasn't the Word of God. And so what Paul was trying to tell him is these false teachers. They desired to be considered teachers, but they lacked one thing knowledge. They did not know who God really was, and they did not know know who they were, and so they really didn't have any power over people because they didn't have knowledge. And why didn't they have knowledge? Because they didn't have reverence for God. If you do not have a reverence for God, you do not have a knowledge of God, and you do not have a knowledge of who you are if you know who God is. And I mean, know who God is through scripture, and you know who you are through the lens of Scripture, you have a reverence for God. These false teachers did not Paul could say this to Timothy. He could speak this to Timothy and other churches. You know why? Because Paul knew who he was. Paul wasn't taking what other people said about him, and people would have said nice things about Paul at this point, not earlier. So Paul knew who he was, but Paul, most importantly, knew who God is. I want you to hear some of the things that Paul says. Look at verse 11, if you've got it pulled up, Paul says, the glorious gospel of the blessed God. Verse 11, Paul's like, the gospel is so glorious. Paul is already saying, I know who's in charge. I know who is glorious, and it's God, and it's gospel, the blessed God. In that moment, what Paul is showing us, and what he's showing Timothy is, I know who I am, and I know who God is, the glorious, the glorious gospel of the blessed God. See, Paul had a reverence for God. Why? Because he knew who God was, and he knew who he was. I want you to read with here. Look at these words of how Paul describes himself in this text. He is a persecutor of Christians, and that's about as nice as we can say it, Paul used to hunt down people who followed the way, who were Christ followers. He would persecute them physically. He would look to imprison them. He would kill them. Paul hated people who were following the way of Christ. So when it says, I was a persecutor of Christians, that's kind of the sanitized version Paul was callous towards people. Paul didn't care about other people. He didn't care about their problems. He cared about Paul. He only cared about advancing and moving up through the military race. He was self righteous. He said, I know who I am. I'm the guy that's in charge. I'm the guy that's going to round up all these people that aren't Jews, and I'm going to show them what's right. He knew who he was. He was bigoted. He was bigoted, he was a murderer, he was a terrorist. This was not a good guy, but he understood who he was. But see, you know, when Paul's life really changed in Acts nine on that road to Damascus, where he was going to continue to do all the things that he just described himself as a persecutor, being callous, self righteous, thinking all of these things, but he had a reverential moment. He had a moment of reverence. And let's look at that moment. What happened in Acts nine, as Paul was going down, who did he encounter the risen Christ? And he said, Saul, Saul. Why do you persecute me? And in that moment, Paul had to come to grips with who God is and who he is. He had that reverential moment, that moment that says, I'm not who I thought I was, and God is not who I thought he was. And all of a sudden we see the beginning of Paul developing reverence. Reverence begins when you know who you are and you know who God is. And once Paul started to have that reverence for God, understanding who he was, understanding who God was, he starts to have this transformational power. See, when he had the knowledge of those two things, the knowledge of self and the knowledge of God, he experienced the power of God to transform his heart, transform his mind, transform his life, transform his purpose. See, knowledge is power, but you have to have the right knowledge. And if we are truly say I am a follower of Jesus, then I know who God is, and I know who I am, and I have a reverence for God. Paul would go on to find his purpose in life, not his job. He. Your job is not your purpose. There's a difference. Okay, Paul's purpose was the kingdom. That was his purpose in life, and he experienced the grace and the mercy of God in his life, and that helped him have that reverence. Now I want to pause here for a minute, because we say grace and mercy. Mercy and Grace, we throw those words around like they're the exact same word and they have the exact same meaning and they don't. So I want to clearly define what grace is and what mercy is, because it feeds into our reverence for God and our understanding of who God is and who we are. So let's define grace this way. Grace removes the guiltiness of sin, you would die are guilty of sin, everyone of us. Romans 323, says, for all, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Friends, I have fallen short this week. Of you I have and I should be guilty, and you should be guilty, and we deserve the guilt, but the grace of God says not guilty. It takes away the guilt that our record is expunged, that there's nothing on our record that says guilty. So that's grace. Here's Mercy. Mercy takes away the misery caused by sin. You know what misery by sin is that's the wrath of God. You and I deserve the wrath of God because we've sinned. I mean, that's just the bottom line. But mercy takes away the misery, the misery of being under God's wrath, the misery of punishment from God. And so what Paul understood this. I know who the grace giver is, and I know who the Mercy recipient is, because I know who I am. I'm the guy that needs Grace, I'm the guy that needs mercy, and I know the one who gives it. You see, when you have that understanding, you can say what Paul says here, he says, I'm abounding. I was abounding in sin, and now I am abounding in grace and mercy. Do you know what is to abound to have so much of that grace and mercy in your life? But in order to receive grace and mercy, you have to know who you are, that somebody who needs grace and mercy. You have to accept the fact that you're not perfect. You have to say, I make mistakes, and then you have to say, Well, where do I get grace and mercy? You have to know that God is the one who dispenses it endlessly and forever. See because we are free from the greatest evil, which is sin and God's wrath, and now placed in a in a position of greatest good, which is God's presence. But you can never experience the power of God's presence in your life, in your marriage with your kids, in your relationships with your past? If you don't have the knowledge of who God is and who you are, I wanted to put together this little flow chart here of how Paul talks about being saved the positives and the negatives about this. So I want to walk through this with you for a minute. The negative of being saved is we're saved from guilt, friends. We are saved from the guilt of sin and death because we know who God is. We know who we are. We have a reverence. We are saved from being a slave to sin. We are all a slave to something. Some people are a slave to money, a slave to jobs, a slave to whatever. But we are no longer a slave to sin, because when we've been saved, because we have the knowledge of God, the knowledge of who we are, reverence for God that changes us, and we are saved from punishment, the alienation, wrath and everlasting death. That's where that mercy comes in. We're safe from that. Here's the positives. You and I are given a state of righteousness. We all have our coats on today because it is ridiculously cold outside today, right? If you got your coats on when you came in, some of you taking your coats off when we come into the presence of God, we can take off that coat of sin, that coat of failure, that coat of despair, and the coat we put back on is a coat of righteousness, and it will keep us warm. It will keep us safe from the elements of evil that are all around us. We are given freedom in Christ. So many people, and I was one of them, thought that, well, if you follow Jesus, there's all these restrictions, there's not there's freedom. There's freedom when you know God, when you know self, and you know how God wants you to live. And you start to live that way, and you go, wow, this is so much easier and better than trying to live the way the world tells me, and we are given the blessedness of fellowship and love and eternal life with God. I mean, if you can find something more valuable than that, please let me know. But there's nothing greater than the blessedness of fellowship and love of God. See, when you know who God is and you know who you are in singular, there's a heart change that your heart has changed. Think about what Paul is doing. He is adding his name to. The list of those who have had their heart changed. Just listen to these people in Scripture, the despised tax collector, Zacchaeus, he had his heart changed. How about the Samaritan woman at the well, she had her heart changed. How about the Romans Centurion at the crucifixion? Had his heart changed? What changed? They understood who they were. They understood who God was they came to have a reverence for God. Paul is adding his name to the list. You and I need to make sure that we add our name to the list. Paul needed a lot of grace. I need a lot of grace. You need a lot of grace. God has it in abundance. He wants to give you grace, He wants to give you mercy, but it means that you have to have a reverence for him, and that reverence comes from saying, I know who I am. I I'm the guy that needs grace and mercy, because I'm not perfect because of my sin, and I know the one that dispenses it. Listen to what it says Paul in First Corinthians 15. He says, Ryan the least of the apostles, and do not even deserve to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God, I am what I am, and His grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of yet not I, but by the grace that God has with me. Right there. Paul was saying, I know who I am. I was a persecutor of the church, and he also said that I know who God is. He's the one that gave me grace and made me who I am. Can you hear the reverence in this writing from Paul, the reverence that he has for God, and it's built on the foundation of I know who God is, and I know who I am. And when you have that knowledge, you receive God's power. And think of the power that Paul received. He received strength from God to endure imprisonments, separation from people. God gave him the power. Think about how Paul because he had that knowledge, he was considered trustworthy, to share the gospel, to be a herald of the gospel, that is great power, the power to know God, the power to share about who God is. That is a reverence that only God can have. And as I was, as I was working through this, because one of the things that I really struggle with is guilt. I struggle so much with guilt. I don't know if it's my Catholic upbringing or just a really good grandma that always made me feel guilty about everything I ever did. And I struggle with so many things in my life. As I'm reading this, God said to me, he says, if you're walking around with all this guilt from all this time, you either don't know who I am, or you don't know who you are, he says, because if you know who I am, you know that I take the guilt away. That's why Jesus came, so that we can be forgiven, so that we can have mercy. So why am I carrying all this guilt to us? Because either I'm not accepting who I am, or I'm not accepting who God is, and see when I have that, when I had that knowledge, I mean, it was literally like, whoa. This was for me, and maybe this can help you. But when you really under have that knowledge, it's amazing of who God is, that reverence for God, you know, we want to recapture our reverence for God as the people of God, as the Church of God, and that means we gotta be honest with who we are. We've gotta be honest with who God is. And look, when it comes to resumes about who the worst sinner is, Paul can clearly say, hold my beer. I mean, he is a guy that's got a great resume, persecuted the church, imprisoned people, hunted down Christians like it's amazing. He has all of these things that could make him the worst sinner, and he probably deserved the wrath of God as much as you and I deserve the wrath of God. But what did he get instead grace and mercy? He got grace and mercy. Why? Because he knew who he was. He knew who God was. Let's look at what he says in verse 14. If you've got that verse pulled up, he said this, the grace of the Lord overflowed for me with faith and love that are in Christ, Jesus. Think of the things that can overflow in your life. Now I'm not just talking about the sink or the toilet. Think about how stress can overflow in your life. Think about how work can overflow in your life. Think of debt can overflow in your life. Think about just being overwhelmed with life and how problems just can overflow. I don't know if you're like me, but life can sometimes feel like everything is just overflowing. Now I want you to read this again. The grace of the Lord overflowed for me, the great it Jesus died on the cross so God's grace can overflow. For you, it's overflowing. It's unending. It won't stop the God's grace. And where does he say it's found in Christ, Jesus. When we know who God is, why Jesus came, and who we are, the grace. Grace will overflow. Paul says this to the church in Rome, the law was brought in so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, Grace increased all the more, so that just as Sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Christ, Jesus, our Lord Paul is saying, Yeah, you know, we are messy people. We are sinful people. We are people that, when we finally get get our heads wrapped around, that we are perfect and we're never going to be and that God, God is this God of grace and love and mercy, it will change you. The reverence that will come over you will change you. And as you read this, there's something that I think hopefully has bubbled up in your mind, and that is that there is no one, no one, no one beyond saving, no I know we like to look at people and go, there's no way that person could ever get saved, and they are just mean, run nasty to the core. Anyone can be saved by the grace God, even that person that goes out of their way to persecute you, to hurt you, to spread falsities about you, that goes online and says the worst possible things about you and anything that you believe in, that person that undermines you in every possible way, that person who won't talk to you, or that person who talks about you, that person who makes up lies about you, no one is beyond saving no one. The second thing that we need to understand is that when someone gains the knowledge of who they are and who God is, it will change your story. It will change your marriage. It will change how you parent. It will change how you deal with finances. It will change how you look at your neighbor and your coworker and the person that you drive with or drive by or the person in the store. It will change you in every way. Reverence does that because reverence for God means I know who I am, and there's enough for me to work on that I don't need to point out anybody else's stuff. And I know who God is, what Paul was saying to Timothy, and I want to make sure that maybe you write these down. These are great descriptors of who God is. He's the strength giver. Do you know God will give you and I the strength that we need to get through whatever it is we're going through. I'm pretty sure everybody in here is going through something, and we have no more strength to deal with it. God is the strength giver in our life. He is the Merciful One. Other people may not have mercy, but God has mercy on our souls. God has so much mercy that He sent His only Son to die for our sins. God is the giver of faith and love. When your faith is weak, he is strong. When your love is low, He will fill you up. God is the one who appoints people to service. God will appoint you to serve, and your job may be where you're serving. Your job is not just a place for you to make money and and do something. Well, God placed you in your job, in your house, where you live, where you go, because that's where he wants you to serve. He has appointed you fill in the blank for wherever you work, wherever you live, wherever you travel. God has appointed you there. God is the grace in abundance. Giver. Do you know how much grace God wants to give you and me? He's got so much of it. He he just wants to give it away. He said, I want you to have my grace. Just take it. It's for you. He's the one with unlimited patience. He's the one that says, I will forgive you again and again and again. He's unlimited patience with unit. You and I may not have patience with each other or anybody else, but he has unlimited patience with us. And I love how Paul describes God at the end, eternal, immortal and invisible. That's who God is. He is eternal. He is immortal, He is invisible. What Paul is saying is, I know who God is, and I know who I am. And there's a reverence to Paul. They say to Timothy, this is what you want people to understand, the knowledge that salvation can't be earned. Salvation isn't about a religious experience. It's about the knowledge of who God is. It's about the knowledge of who you are. It's about the trans it's about the transforming and redeeming power of Jesus. Now, when I read this, and maybe you've had this thought, it's like, I get that. I'm with you. I'm there, I'm there, I'm there. But Paul was really a bad dude. Like, why did he kind of, like, get a pass? Like, why? Why? Why did God allow. Paul to do all of these terrible, horrible things. Why? Why? Why does God do this? And the answer may surprise you, the answer is this, it wasn't about Paul. Paul secondarily benefited from what God did for him in Acts nine, helping him understand who God was and who he was a sinner. But you know why God did it so that other people would see the grace and mercy of God working through Paul's life. It wasn't about Paul. It was about God. It was about other people seeing God work through Paul. And sometimes we wonder like, Why does all of this stuff happen to me, to other people? Cuz maybe God wants other people to see His grace and His mercy working through you. Maybe God wants other people to see that you realize who you are, and you realize who God is. And people say, I want what you want, because you have a reverence for God, even when things are bad, even when things are tough, even when you make big time mistakes, and I mean, step in it, maybe God is using you so other people can see his reverence and grace and mercy in you. It wasn't about Paul, it was about God, because when you have a reverence for God, God is bigger than you and I, his grace and mercy are good. The The word translated abundantly in this text is the word for Super so what Paul is saying is he goes, I got super grace, I got super mercy. And I love any type of superhero language. So you can walk around and say, Hey, I got some super Grace going on today. I got some super mercy going on today because we need it. Look, Jesus didn't come here so that you and I can just live a better life, so that we can have a better marriage, so that we can have a better job and drive a nicer car. He didn't come for that. He came so that we can realize who God was, this holy, benevolent, loving, caring father who sent Jesus to die for us, so we can realize who we are, sinners and perfect people, flocking people, broken people, messy people. And when we get that, when we recapture the understanding of I know who God is, and I know who I am, and I know I'm the one that needs the grace and mercy, and he's the one that gives the grace and mercy, a reverence will come over us that changes us. Paul never forgot who he was, yes, he was a very powerful, influential church planner, writer, author. He had a lot of things right, and it's like he was really successful, but he never forgot who he was, no matter how much success he had. At his core, he knew who he was, a sinner at his core. He knew that he needed God desperately and deeply every day, we must never forget that that's a part of our reverence. It's definitely coming back up. I want to leave you with this statement, and I want to I want to ask you to write it down, and I want you to reference this when you're struggling hear these words, God doesn't choose those who are worthy, but by choosing a person, God makes them worthy. You are worthy. You are worthy when you understand that God chose to reveal Himself to you because he wants you to have the knowledge of who he is, and he wants you to have the knowledge of who you are, so that you can live a life of reference. Amen, let's pray. Father, we thank you that you have chosen to reveal yourself to us. Lord, we are unworthy and undeserving, but father, you are so good and so Grace filled. Father, I pray that these words would not just fall to the ground and Lord, they would be embedded in our heart that we would remember Lord, who we are and who you are. You are a kind, loving, caring father who desperately wants a relationship with us. Lord, I pray we would not settle for religious platitudes. I pray Lord, that we would understand that you are pursuing us, and the Lord of reverence would come over us because we were we would know that we are so worthy that You sent Your Son to die on the cross for each and every one of us. Father, you're so good and so loving, and we need you. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Thank you for joining us for more information about three timbers, church ministries and services, visit three timbers.org. We would love for you to join us in person. You.